The proposals in this updated White Paper [17-Nov Ministry of Housing] will make clear the standards that every social tenant in England is entitled to expect from their landlords.
To be safe
To be informed
To have complaints handled quickly and fairly
To be treated with respect, regulator backed
To have your voice heard by your landlord
To have a good quality home and neighbourhood
To be supported to step towards home ownership
"Many landlords provide a good service to their residents. They provide a decent and safe home. They support thriving neighbourhoods and communities. They are open with their residents, listen to them and treat them with respect"
[+source Ministry of Housing white paper]
RPA Support
Ensuring the continual improvement of all of these services across the sector requires extensive resource, coupled with an acceleration of Digital transformations in a time of uncommon demand.
This is where automation can play a key role, not simply by freeing Housing teams from the procedural, mundane processes to remove bottlenecks and to speed up response times, but by working hand in hand with digital assistants, offering new channels of communication for residents to engage with seamless hand-off through to vital process completions'.
When set up with these broader goals in mind, RPA can accelerate responses, to ensure landlords can deliver on and improve these support services to residents.
To request an RPA in Housing demonstration, contact Enterprise RPA or Follow Us