Traditional Customer Engagement cannot
satisfy the growing market demand...
"Implementing DRUID Chatbots is the first step to provide a fully digital and modern experience for our clients"
Did You Know.
Customer relationships
will be managed
without interacting
with a human by 2025
Customer service costs
can be reduced by
implementing AI-
powered chatbots
[Market Research]
60% of consumers expect answers to questions within 10 minutes
84% of companies that work to improve their customer experience report an
increase in their revenue.
Digital Assistant.
Using AI chatbot to boost your customer satisfaction.
Where multichannel and customised retail experience permanently echoes with your customers and builds
towards advocacy and increased revenue stream
In an uncertain, inconsistent environment, the shift to
new digital shopping and communication ways has
been a constant.
"New consumer digital behavior is here to stay. What may have started as an adaptation to the limitations on their environment during the pandemic has gradually evolved into a natural part of life"
What DRUID Digital Assistants can do.
Implement DRUID Chatbots now to provide a fully digital and
modern experience for your clients
Automate order processing through conversation flows
Enable real-time product suggestions
Support live order and delivery tracking​
Remove order bottlenecks with self-service
Influence purchase intentions
Manage vouchers and incentives
Track and manage warranty
Capture customer feedback multi-channel [CSAT]